Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009



I stand here watching my daughter in-love resting after her long trip to the Mexican Children's Home. She's so exhausted, yet willing to plan for her next adventure for Christ church.

We are so very proud of all her accomplishments. She never fails to work hard for the cause of Christ. I hope she knows how much she is loved & appreciated by everyone. Shh, must go now and pray for her well deserved rest & recovery.

REMEMBER: Enjoy your daughter in love & give her a love hug :)

Credit: Christ's church Love & care for all precious lost children.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


We had a wonderful Vacation Bible School this year. A full house of children with the theme of: The Armor of God.
All the children were excited as were the mothers to regroup once again.
The weather was perfect thank you God :)The lessons were well understood with keen insights. Crafts were delightfully created, as the one precious boy kept reminding us 'The Sword' is the word of God. Girls giggled as they played in the sun,and cared for the little ones.
Our Lunch lady & assistant did a fantastic job keeping everything fresh & delicious. She even received a crochet apron as a Thank you gift. Everyone cheered as they lined up to enjoy the feast set before them.
Pictures were taken of paper-clad soldiers as mother's looked on proud of the accomplishment always experienced at this church of Christ children's mininstry.

Remember: Love, Enjoy & teach your children in season and out of season....

Credit: To our wonderfully wise & creative daugther-in love and her family.


Had a really busy week going back & forth to attend VBS at my son's house.
It was great getting up early and heading out the door all zippy dee dooh dah. Ready, willing, and able to do God's will is such a wonderful rush. VBS started at Ten a.m. and I've been meaning to start a walk regiment, so this helped tremendously.
Thank God, I was able to start the day bright eyed and cheery. The house was full of family friends and children. Everyone was excited beginning with a puppet-show, Joey was grandpa and Davey the little question-boy. The Theme was 'The Armor of God'.
Each group had a teen volunteer which was very helpful. The young ones enjoyed creating crafts based on scripture in Ephesians 6. They designed swords representing the 'Word of God' and matching shields to protect from them from the arrows of the evil ones. It's amazing how they simply understood the lesson based from the bible. We all had a great time. Play time was a reprieve for mom's enjoying a delicious brunch on the sun laden quilts with their precious sweet children.