Friday, November 8, 2019

1964-1965 World's Fair - New York - A look back...

1 comment:

Andy and Ana said...

Those were the Days my friend we'd thought they'd never end we'd sing and dance forever and a Day. World's Fair, I went to in NY with my High School class...We split up and hit all the Pavillions of different countries. I remember the GE Building the stage was circular and it moved. We were shown the wave of the future: Microwaves, Computers at Home! We were really W:OWED!!! gasping at the 'future Technology' :) We saw Phones with little camera's talking to each other one in one room the other in another room...we were laughing our heads off. I said, 'Oh, no what if I have curlers on my head, haha! my friends were histeracle laughting. We had a wonderful time eating different cuisines and riding the 'Future rides' and looking at how we would live in the future...we especially were fascinated with the 'Huge TV' we couldn't get over that and 'Headphones!' what a great concept....It was a wild day...exhausted we came home dreaming of the future and how much we laughed and enjoyed our world's fair that summer day in the 1960 cool summer nite we'd sigh at our hope & dreams. nana ana