Sunday, February 22, 2009


As Holywood honors it's own, Chrisitian conservative-film makers are creating their own path to (non/violence- non/graphic films )God thru Christ and they've made surprising in-roads. 
Don't believe it ? Take this quiz 'what was the biggest grossing independant film of 2008?
That's right 'Fireproof' starring teen idol Kirk Cameron, who volunteered his acting for this popular
Christian film. In January, 2000 fans gather at San Antonio, Texas Independant film festival a crowd
of respectfully dressed young Christian men and ladies.
Lights dimmed and the festival welcoming organizer Doug Phillips spoke to the 'Opening Ceremonies' group of excited for God truth  Chrisitans.
"We are here to send a message to the world that we no longer want our children
immersed in toxic media which is in opposition to our Lord Jesus Christ".
He announced to the cheering crowd, " Christian film making is coming of age !"
Building an industry around faith based on Christlike values. He noted he began the film festival
five years ago, when he noticed Christ was losing the hearts and minds of our youth.
The single most biggest influence for believers In Christ should be in Christ Church, however he noted
unfortunately the media is shaping ideas resulting in negative instead of positive values. 
The competition is on for Christian independant film makers to come up with 'Positive role-model mentors and ideal values ' a fund of $101,000. (note larger than Cannes Sundance) has been set aside to fund this purposeful endeavor. Films with a Christ like perspective and not a worldly view to write great stories and produce great films. For example the current leading film titled: 
'Fireproof' is the awesome movie all are flocking to see, it's about a young couple considering how their struggles and love resembles God sending his love In Christ for us.
'The widow's mite' is the other movie a musical about a widow in need of support to pay back taxes to the government for her property notes oppression and home ownership rights during of early settlers.
Quoting Steven Morales exec.director of a family media group investing in Christian films:
"There is a hunger; an emphasis on wholesome stories; good strong economically viable films;
an unmet niche; end result to Glorify God with our skills and talents.

For Christian film seekers: "A moment in History, truly meaningful to the Kingdom of God".

ENJOY & REMEMBER: Our value may be found 'IN CHRIST' loving words for life.


1 comment:

Bo Lumpkin said...

Fireproof and Facing the Giants were wonderful movies and had a tremendous impact on a lot of people. I enjoyed your blog. I will be checking it from time to time. May God bless you.