Monday, April 7, 2008


April in New York brings refreshing Spring memories.

The excitement of going into the city to shop for new clothes.

It holds special days of visiting and remembering how we enjoyed each other's company. The thought of cheerfully greeting our oldest sister on her birthday.
She always had a lovely smile and was surprised at our attempt at a simple, yet sincere, gift.

We appreciate how much she took care of us while we were little.
ur precious folks taught & showed us how to be respectful, loving
and caring towards each other.

This Spring day, I'd like to say: 'Thinking of You'
and hoping you're having a wonderful time
and enjoying your loved ones.

Ta Ta...I haven't forgotten your love
and care throughout the years.

I pray our all-knowing God will bless and protect our relationship.

Today and always...Your sister, Ana.

Credit: Precious Moments

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