Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I love Russian Culture especial Russian literature. It began innocently one day when I mentioned it to a co-worker and she recommended 'Zoya' by Danielle Steel. I was hooked. I read the book and loved the Fabrege eggs & Ballerina scenes. I've since been amored with the art & culture from there.

Our minister from Rhode Island went on a missionary trip and told us it was freezing and the place reminded him of the 1930's in technology. He enjoyed the Russian Circus and shared pictures of poodles dancing so primitive yet cute. One sister in Christ had four daughters, she gave him money and he bought her back 'Russian Dolls'. He displayed them along with all the other gifts her bought and they were 'gorgeous'. I asked him how it looked and he said he saw birch trees everywhere. One funny thing he shared was he wore ear-muffs and apparently that's what all the 'street-hood' wear. The teens all started calling him 'hoodlum!', he was so embarrassed, but took it all in stride.

ENJOYING: The classical Nutcracker Suite a Maurice Sendak production awesome :)

REMEMBER: When you see a birch tree....think from Russia with love from above.

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