"Commit thy works unto the LORD and thy thoughts shall be established"...(Proverbs 16:3). I've been looking and enjoying other ladies' blogs, trying to get ideas for posting titles and themes. All to no avail, because all are unique and personal in their own way. At first, I'd scan images for scripture pictures, that was exciting. However, my folder or, shall I say, my cup overflowed and I had to delete some non-worthy visuals. So, back to square one, then I read this proverb and thought, 'that's it!' I hope to read and share quotes and excerpts from my Bible, by books, ex: Proverbs; Ecclesiastes; Psalms; also from my favorite: 'Christian Woman' magazine. I'm always taking sermon notes; hopefully by posting quotes and scriptures, I may be able to review and remember the lessons learned. I remember studying Proverbs and outlining it by titles and themes, ex: speaking, etc. By doing this spiritual journaling together, we may grow in Christ and I will be able to downsize my paperwork (answered prayer) thank you, God. I promised myself not to write anything too personal or about housecleaning. When it happens, it's been on a light, positive note; I hope to share new, exciting themes that I may come across. (Please know I share because I care.) May these new posting adventures prove to be as precious and wonderful for us as I hope, and intend, each to be. From Our 'Creative' Front Porch to yours...Ana & Andy.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Proverbs to live by
Posted by
Andy and Ana
3:45 AM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
JOHN 20:1-18 1) Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. 2) So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said,"They have taken the Lord out of the tomb and we don't know where they have put him!" 3) So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. 4) Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. 5) He bent over and looked in at the strips of linen lying there but did not go in. 6) Then Simon Peter, who was behind him, arrived and went into the tomb. He saw the strips of linen lying there, as well 7) as the burial cloth that had been around Jesus' head. The cloth was folded up by itself, separate from the linen. 8) Finally the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed. 9) (They still did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.) 10) Then the disciples went back to their homes, 11) but Mary stood outside the tomb, crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb 12) and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus' body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot. 13) They asked her, "Woman, why are you crying?"; "They have taken my Lord away," she said, "and I don't know where they have put him." 14) At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus. 15) "Woman," he said, "why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?" Thinking he was the gardener, she said, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him." 16) Jesus said to her, "Mary." She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, "Rabboni!" (which means Teacher). 17) Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'" 18) Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: "I have seen the Lord!" And she told them that he had said these things to her. Ladies, listen, I believe that the Lord our God cares for us deeply. As He allowed this young lady to be the first to be with him, following his resurrection. Today, we need to ask ourselves, whom are we looking for and following to teach us? Today, as ever, let us sincerely consider Christ as our only Rabboni & Teacher. From Our 'church of Christ' Front Porch to yours...Ana & Andy.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
8:14 PM
Home...at last!
Our neighborhood cat, Blackie, went missing for a couple of weeks. I was beginning to get really concerned. Blackie visited all during the rainy winter with no problems. Then, just when the weather started clearing up, poof!, she was gone. I thought and hoped, okay, maybe Blackie's owners were on vacation. Then I started praying for a safe return. I hated to think something ominous had happened to such a sweet cat. We stopped putting the daily treat outside. It was a sad time, indeed. Andy thought Blackie had just wandered off on a curious adventure. So I was reassured, sweet & lovable Blackie would come back eventually. Just when I was about to call it quits, this Sunday morning, as I left for worship, Blackie pops in the door! What a great surprise! Back like nobody's business, went straight to her indoor corner. I quickly filled the bowl, and Blackie proceeded to drop a treat on the floor and eat. Old habits die hard. I'm glad we didn't rearrange the furniture; Blackie kept looking around, taking it all in. Probably thinking: 'There's no place like home, there's no place like home'. We're both so glad to see our precious cat-friend, back to old tricks, showing her belly and rubbing up against our legs. I'm thankful God answered my prayer on Sunday morning. From Our 'Grateful' Front Porch to yours...Andy & Ana.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
7:46 PM
Someone to watch over me
Our grandson Joey was sick during his visit this past Thursday with his brother, Davey. They both spent the afternoon with me, while Momma was at a hospital meeting. Joey had a headache and he laid down on the couch. I cooked spanish rice with milk, it's called arroz con leche, Davey watched me: 2/3 cup of white rice; 2/3 cup of cold milk; 2/3 cup of water; and use the same (2/3) cup, fill it only half-way with water. Stir and micro-wave on high 10 minutes. When done, remove, salt lightly, stir and cover to steam cook. Let it sit for about 5 minutes. Serve warm...they loved it! Joey ate and laid down again, this time he slept for about 20 minutes. Davey and I looked at the latest funny post on this blog. Joey awoke and took his blue sweatshirt off to cool down. The day was nice, so Papi opened the door for fresh air. Joey was thankful. When Momma and Daddy arrived, Joey was so upset about being sick, he started crying. The best part was when Momma carried him all the way down the stairs. Everyone went home and rested after a long day. Joey left his backpack, I returned it Sunday, as it had his home-schooling books and papers inside. He also left his Snoopy book untouched, this indicated that he was really sick, because he loves Snoopy; it's the first thing he grabs and reads after doing his home-school assignments. So, when you see this Joey, think Snoopy cares and misses you reading his books. We care for both of you very much and we're glad your feeling alot better. From Our 'loving' front Porch to yours...Nana & Papi.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
7:14 PM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The Bed of One Hundred Quilts...
Once upon a time, Nana Ana went to visit Davey Wavey, he's the sweet boy who lives down the lane. Excited and all aglow, he jumped up and down and exclaimed: "You can sleep in my bed!" The room was so nice and inviting. She sat on the bed and wondered why it was so very soft. That night, the mystery was solved: there must have been 100 quilts on the bed! Nana Ana asked, "Where did you get all these quilts?". Well, needless to say, hours later, Davey Wavey was still telling her about each one, as she yawned, politely listening. First, there was his 'Bucky-quilt', this one was very special, in that it had cute embroided animals on each denim panel. Second, was 'Nana's crochet-christmas blankie' that was acquired one cold winter night. Third, (and he made sure she understood) was his 'hospital-quilt', it was very precious to him, as it held many answered prayers. Nana Ana was amazed at how each quilt held wonderful memories for him. One by one, he spread them on his bed, as Nana Ana looked on, to see many multi-colored and textured designs. At last, Mickey Mouse topped them all. Nana Ana finally got to sleep, but not for long. It seems that Davey Wavey missed his bed of one hundred quilts and crept back in at dawn. Before she knew it, the sun rose and a new day started for both of them. Oh no! Now they had to shake the quilts, and, sure enough, he'd start telling her the story of how he got each one. Shh, let's cuddle up and not stir that sweet imagination. From Our 'Sleepy' Front Porch to yours...Nana Ana & Papi.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
8:10 PM
So they loaded up the truck...
The Beverly Hillbillies, remember them? What a wacky bunch! Grandma reminds me of my mom, ready to smack you upside the head with country wisdom. Ellimae and her cute critters, she always cracked me up. Jethro was a real country bumpkin and he loved the ladies. And poor Jed, always trying to keep everyone's head on straight. He walked around saying, "now granny!". Joey loves it, when around six o'clock, we start singing the theme song. "Come and listen to my story 'bout a man named Jed, a poor mountaineer barely kept his family fed. Then one day, he was shooting at some food and up through the ground came a bubbling crude, Oil, that is! Black gold, Texas tea. Well, the next thing you know, old Jed's a millionaire, the kinfolk said: 'Jed, move away from here!' They said, 'Californey is the place you outta be!' So they loaded up their truck and they moved to Beverly, Hills that is, swimming pools, movie stars!" Honest, when it gets to the part "the kin-folk said: 'Jed, move away from here! They said, 'Californey is the place you outta be!'... Joey's eyes light up and he has a great smile on his face. Hum, wonder why? And we really get into the part 'so they loaded up their truck and they moved to Beverly'...Davey looks over at me and says, "You did that!" We watch the show together and laugh, we really enjoy it. Good clean fun. And they learn life lessons, too. Like how to cook possum in gigantic pots, how not to woo ladies, how to bathe "critters" and how to give your banker "agita" and, like Jed: how to be generous and wise, all while taking care of the family. Tune in to 'Nick at Night', evenings at six and enjoy all the hilarity. From Our 'Californey' Front Porch to yours...Ana & Andy.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
6:39 PM
Day Five-Dia Cinco
God made the little bird to sing, and flit from tree to tree. 'Tis He who sends them in the Spring, to sing for you and me. Children's poem read by Davey Chappel from his brown McGuffy first eclectic reader. From Our 'Homeschool' Front Porch to yours...Nana & Papi.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
2:42 AM
In like a Lion out like a Lamb...
March comes in like a lion and goes out like lamb. When my elementary school teacher would say that, I'd think what is she talking about???. Being a 'city child' and having only seen lions in the Bronx zoo the phrase sounded scary to me. So I raised my hand and asked 'What do you mean a lion?', mind you, that was before I had to write I shall not talk in class 100x, and never raised my hand again. So she explained:" The lion means strong winds and the lamb means gentle breezes. Oh, I said with an strange look on my face. Never having been to a petting zoo, I could only imagine out loud, does a lamb feel like my teddy bear? I could still see the smile on her face, 'yes',she said. The same question was asked of me by my grandsons, when I made the above quote. I believe God created our precious grandchildren to bring to memory our enjoyable childhood. "This March has been really windy hasn't it Nana" said Joey. Yes sweetheart, March comes in like a leon, and goes out like an obeja,(gotta get that Spanish in every time)."What does that mean Nana?" asked Davey. So I explain, "El Leon means strong vientos and la obeja means gentle breezes". These past couple of weeks have been blustery and raw, occasional raining and we even had lite hail, then the sun shone brightly!. We are starting to hear sounds of spring as the weather warms. My favorite 'Spring- sound' is hearing a small plane fly up above on a clear day, it's so peaceful, don't you think? My husband's favorite scent of spring is the smell of freshly cut grass.Whenever, I hear a mower, I can always picture him on the front porch taking a breather. Well, enjoy the hope of Spring, and remember when the grandkids ask questions-it's God's way of saying count your blessings and share all those precious memories. From Our 'memory-lane' Front Porch to yours...Ana & Andy.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
1:38 AM
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Leave it to Davey
Our grandson Davey shared a funny quote he heard on 'Leave it to Beaver'. Beaver is one of his favorites shows. It goes like this: Nana, You know what Beaver's dad Ward said on the show the other day? No, Davey, I don't. Well of course not you weren't here silly. Davey: Okay, here goes, Beavers dad Ward was talking to Beaver's mom, in privacy of course. Of course. He said,'Do you know what they call a four-eyed purple people eater, and Beaver's mom said,'No, Ward I don't. Well after Beaver got punished for something he did, I forget, cause he gets in trouble when he doesn't listen to Wallie. Wallie, huh. Davey: Yeah, you know Wallie! Beaver's big brother. As I'm getting a Nana 'Get with the program look'. Well anyway, at the very end of the show, his mom and dad always talk 'in private', you know. Of course,(smiling and waiting). And they always laugh at the Beaver, you know. Right, I remember. So when they think about what the Beaver's done, his dad Ward say,"Well I'll be a four-eyed purple people eater!" Well with that, we all started laughing so hard. Joey was literally rolling on the floor. And Isaac runs away with his bone, probably thinking these humans are at it again. From Our 'retro' front porch...Papi & Nana
Posted by
Andy and Ana
6:07 PM
Faith comes by hearing...Proverbs 1:1-7
The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel: 2) for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight, 3) for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair, 4) for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young- 5) let the wise listen and add to their learning and let the discerning get guidance- 6) for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise. 7) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. This picture reminds me of Sunday morning worship: Our Bible a letter from the Lord our God and our songbook praises to the Lord our God. The letter from Our Lord's front porch to yours, Ana & Andy
Posted by
Andy and Ana
11:40 AM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Christ for Today
Rest for our Souls, how sweet the sound; This amazing Grace is found only in Christ. On Sunday, I read in God's word where our Lord saids: Matthew 11:28-29 "Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light". It was a good tired, having been with the boys last week. We home-schooled till our hearts content. Joey and I read 2 Samuel 20 together in Spanish, we talked about the astute-wise woman, reminded me of amazon women. The boys are coming along fine, narrating their lessons back to me. It's becoming a good way for them to practice oral communications. We had two lessons in Spanish, because he's studying Latin, Joseph is understanding the root words for Spanish much better. He is focusing on how to compare Spanish with English, ex: rock-roca. And David penmanship is becoming better and his grammar much clearer as the days go by. Our teachers meeting (at home) was a God-sent, in that we compared notes and connected with each others input. All in all the two home-schooling days were fruitful indeed. Overseeing & keeping a 'Done-list' motivated us to complete all of our assignments. After narrating why they favored reading each lesson, marking off on the computer proved to be an accomplished joy. 'for my yoke is easy and my burden light'. Oh so true, lord God does give rest to me and you. Lord rewards-this week our grandsons will visit. From Our 'rested' front porch...(lol) Ana & Andy
Posted by
Andy and Ana
10:59 AM
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Happy Birthday, Dad...
Last Wednesday evening, we celebrated our son's birthday. Joey made his dad a delicious chocolate cake, Davey helped melt the chocolate chips. Earlier that afternoon, the boys began putting everything together from scratch. I watched, amazed at how efficiently, with their mother's guidance, they handled it all. Joey is getting better at cracking eggs and as he sifted, flour flew everywhere! Davey was standing on a stool, stirring the chocolate chips in a make-shift dutch-oven type pot. They looked so cute with their chef's hats. The cookbook (from the library) kept sliding all over the place. Joey whipped the liquid mixture frantically, he was very excited. I tried to help, but they did most of the work. Davey was proud of his melted chocolate and Joey kept showing and telling me, "fold, Nana, fold!", it was all-together great fun. Especially the fact that Dad would be surprised. Momma left for the store, for a few minutes, while the cake baked. Joey and I were left in charge with "once-done" instructions. Bing! the cake looked a bit raw still, so Joey added another five minutes. The digital oven is a lifesaver especially for Davey, who's learning how to tell time. Once done, the cake was removed to cool on the racks. It smelled heavenly and the boys, especially Joey, were all smiles. When Momma returned, she also had a big smile of pride in her boys' love for their father. Spreading the chocolate frosting proved to be another challenge, Momma took charge and it came out pretty good. The boys kept licking their little fingers. Finally, Daddy came home from his new job and Papi arrived to join in the celebration. We had a wonderful oriental dinner prepared by Momma and Joey, it was delicious. Finally, for the grand 'piece de resistance', chef Joseph and assistant David's chocolate delight. With the lights dimmed and the air filled with sweet scent, we sang "Happy Birthday" to our precious son, husband and father 'Daddy-Joe'. We all enjoyed a piece of the handmade-with-love cake, it was very good. The gifts were well-received, of hope to build a bottled ship, a hand-made gift (boat), a journal and some stationery. The evening, with pleasant music, was very much enjoyed. From Our 'Sweet' Front Porch to yours...Ana & Andy.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
2:43 PM
And the winner is...
And with that, I'll have Arroz con pollo; Chimichanga; Ensalada; Tortillas; Avocado and tomato salad; Relleno de papas; Arroz con gandules; Salsa con chips; Arroz con leche; Pan Italiano; Mofongo-oh!, (don't even go there) my favorite: green bananas, toasted, mashed, with garlic and oregano. Arroz con dulce and to wash it all down: Cafe con leche or the all-time Puerto Rican favorite: PEPSI COLA! Gotcha, back to my 10 min. micro-waved rice & beans. From Our 'Scented' Front Porch to Yours...Ana & Andy.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
1:14 PM
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Just because...
Self-explanatory! Get them while you can! Free for all! All you can treat! All for one and one for all! Hugs, aren't they just great and always so unexpected? When I forget to give them, I feel bad, what if I don't ever get to see the person again? Sometimes though, I like to surprise people with hugs, like kids, reward is a great big smile. I hugged my elderly friend, Trudy, it made her feel great, boy, did she laugh and she said: 'Thanks, I needed that!'. My son always gives me a hug, coming and going, that makes me feel warm and secure. My husband and I live in a small apartment, so we hug a lot. Remember, it's fun, its free and oh so 'we'!...(((LOL))) from Our Front Porch to yours...Ana & Andy.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
9:47 PM
Feliz Cumpleanos- Happy Birthdays...
This March weather has been surprisingly pleasant. We have five birthdays to remember and congratulate our loved ones. Belated best wishes: to my nephew Jonathan, esperanza de un ano lleno de todas gran cosas para compartir con familia y amistades- hope you have a wonderful year to share with family and friends. Felicidades to my nephew Steven, on his March 1st birthday. Que tenga un ano con mucha dicha y alegria, may you have a year full of joy and happiness. He is a year (almost to the day) older than our son Joseph. Feliz Cumpleano- Happy Birthday to my island-sister Millie, her birthday's on March 6th, she's a year older than me, and it's always so good to share wonderful memories of our past together. Here at home in California, we have our son Joe's niece and nephew's birthdays on March 1st and March 10th. Happy Birthday to Jasmine and Wesley Weaver, hope you have a month of wonderful memories and fun gifts to share and enjoy together. And to my wonderful sister-in-law Alice, Happy birthday on March 10th. Wow, Spring does bring bright and precious people to our lives. My nephew Jonathan, who is growing up to be a fine gentlemen with a gift of singing and art. My nephew Steven, who is always there with a sweet smile & the enthusiasm of his father, always ready to serve with joy. My sister Millie, whose concern for the family and interest in Christ has bought her grace beyond her years. To our precious Jasmine, who put Christ on in baptism this past August, may God continue to bless and keep you safe, in His care. To young Wesley, keep growing & knowing in 'the basics' and you will grow closer to Jesus every day. To our Alice, we love you dearly and hope the very best in life for you. We always enjoy hearing from you and your new life in Virginia. God bless you all and keep you in good company, always in His loving care: (Numbers 6:24). Dios los bendiga y accompane, siempre en Su gran amor. From Our 'Loving' Front Porch to yours...Ana & Andy.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
7:37 PM