Friday, October 12, 2007

Cozy comfort

Hello again...on our last post I promised some new items.

The first is about our front porch, the actual front porch.
Our porch is not very large; it is at the top of a flight of stairs, leading up from our garage and parking lot. It can seat one person comfortably, and two, less so.

There is a white wooden railing around the porch with several plants by the longest section, which overlooks our neighbors' backyard. The backyard is crying out for some long overdue attention but instead, it continues to languish, posing an ever greater challenge to the most daring of lawn mowers.
Meanwhile, our porch has a corner with a small table which has become a catchall for various planting implements and empty pots waiting for tenants. There is room for a comfortable folding chair, which either my wife or I occupy when the weather is warm and sunny enough.

My wife enjoys reading when she is sitting outside; she usually has some magazines, maybe a book and a glass of juice. When I'm on the porch with a mug-ful of coffee, I like to relax in our chair and take in the sounds of the neighborhood.
It's a nice place just to unwind and collect one's thoughts.

We also have one frequent visitor but he is a story for a future post.

I hope you are enjoying our posts, please stop by again when you have the time...

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