Monday, January 26, 2015

My Best friend Retha Harris, I've known her since I became a Christian March 20, 1978...She is from Philadelphia~the City of Brotherly love. We can talk about anything at any time. She once did her geneology and there was a nurse in her family history. Sister Retha has worked at a Nursing Home in the past and her patient family were always pleased with their parents presentation. Later in life, she worked for the government in a Health capacity. Sister Retha next to my dauther in love Becky~Nurse Chappel is also my go to person for medical advice. She has helped & encouraged us to follow up with identify the problem and tailoring the treatment with resources needed. It's a step-up when I visit my doctor with 'informed concerns'...our hearts are one in Christ....<3 2="" ana="" nbsp="" p="">

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