Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Monday, November 7, 2016
Terri Temple The Godly Woman's Guide TV Show: How to Accept God's Forgiv...
I love Sister Terri Temple~Lessons in Christ word...I listen to her with my morning coffee. She is a devoted Christian lady. Sharing & Caring concerning her past victories and how we may be blessed by applying God's word in our lives. When we connect to her Web-site, we see her E-mail Magazine; Lovely Books; T-shirts; and Handmade Dresses for her mission in Africa. I bought a Purple Tee Shirt that says, 'Send Me' after 1 Samuel~Lord Send Me to Support Mission in Haiti devastated by Earthquake 2010 and Flooding 2016. God Bless & Protect the Efforts for Christ Caring Church shared here. Watch & Be Bless <3 2 <3 sister ana
Posted by
Andy and Ana
9:06 AM
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Chris Gardner's Top 10 Rules For Success (@CEOofHappYness)
Posted by
Andy and Ana
7:55 PM
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Childhood Memories, 1960's & 70's
I remember when we lived in the Bronx Melrose Projects. My Dad had a 'Juke Draw' full of strings; batteries; matches and the good old SH Green Stamps book...we'd save them and cash them in to get prizes...many a summer nights licking our tongues away. My Sister and I had metal skates, we's share them and she held the key. My Father bought my nephews a set of Lionel Train, I think he had more fun playing with it and creating mountains & little depot stops for the trains & cabooses. My Sister had a much coveted Metal Doll house with day, I threw the little pieces of Furniture out the window...boy was my mami mad made me go down to the bushes and search for every single piece...didn't she understand I was jealous just heart-broken because I had to share everything and my sister made herself boss of it sad. The Winter my son and I went to NYC and my neighbor placed his sleigh with a big red bow on the back door...the look on his face was priceless :O...years later I told him the truth...his eyes still glowed at the thought that Santa remembered him while in NYC visiting his grandparents. Thank you Paulette~God Bless you for being a wonderful God sent neighbor, friend and confidant. My Husband had a VW Van years ago...he loved a turtle with everything on his back. Christmas mornings knowing what we were going to get by the smelling the boxes, if we smell Vynl we knew it was a Doll for sure! My Three sons...I thought Rob was so handsome & mature-ironically my husbands nature is much like Rob's nice and quiet. Tricycles, who could forget them-our first taste of freedom! June 1969! as I walked to my First job as an Accountants Payable Clerk on Broadway, NYC...I'd past the Neon News Building on 42nd St. Announcing 'America's First Moon landing' and the 'Mets Won!' the world series. Lincoln Logs those things were still here for our two grandsons...I remember my nephews playing with them back in the 60's. I remember my Blocks...with them I learned my alphabets. Wow, that town looks like Ferndale, Ca. The 5th Dimension song~love it! Looks like my First phone: MO 5-1649! Pepsi! The Puerto Rican Soda...we drank it like water! Yes, I remember 'our' Shwinn Bike! it was Blue with a Basket my sister had her hands all over that one, I use to love to ring the bell just to here the chime, she'd get mad, 'Don't! it's only if you need to pass', I'd laugh and chime it anyway :) Miss Kitty, who knew~she was a Madamn :O! Old Town Parades shades of Ferndale, Ca. The Anvil Man~yikes, I'd get a Headache every time. Who didn't wanna be a Nurse, I did, but my dad couldn't afford the college tuition. Hoola Hop, my sister (owner) could spin that thing on her neck even. It popped! My dad put Dry Rice & Beans and he said, 'There! now you got a Puerto Rican-Hoola Hop! we loved it :) My nephews had a Rough Rider-Yeah, huh, they almost shot their eye out! :) The 50 Foot Women now that's was scarey, she'd go around looking for her cheating husband...lifting motel cabins and shaking the people out...HARRY! she'd scream, yikes! Harry was scared and always with some ugly skanky chick, meanwhile The 50 ft. Woman was a beautiful blonde. Erector sets were the rage! and who can forget The Monkees with Davey's hit song: Home Coming Queen, reminds me of my son & daughter in love. Red wagon-my son had one...remember going grocery shopping and he bought his wagon and I said, 'What's that for?'...'To help you carry groceries', he said. How sweet~my hero :) Green Acres sounds like me~New York is where I'd rather stay, I get allergic smelling Hay! The Store! goodbye, City life! See Saw's we had those in the Bronx Projects...they were fun, yet dangerous, my sister almost got her hand caught in the middle wheel. Well that's all for this awesome trip down 'Memory Lane', hope you enjoyed it and someday remember me when reading this~my childhood escapeds, dreams and fears and our early memories together~forever young...Love always~mrs. ana mami nana <3 p.s. that wasn't too bad~just like our 'Walk-talks' :)
Posted by
Andy and Ana
8:08 AM
Carly Simon - Anticipation
Why cry, when we have such precious memories~remember the 'Fun in the Sun' we had...Walking & Talking~making up stories as we went along. Joey and I walking the Sand Dunes in Ferndale Beach. Becky and I hugging till we saw Jesus in our minds eye...yes, that happened to me did it happen to you? Joe creating yet another work of Art on a Sunday Afternoon after giving an awesome Sermon. Davey saying, 'I'm so cute' and hiding under the Dining Room Table with Joey listening to Joe tell us how he courted Rebekah and all the fun they had 'Cutting up' in College. Andy taking me to Beaver Tail Lighthouse that one Summer day...and many more beautiful afternoons spent in Mystic, Ct. Yes, I remember them all, those were the 'Good Old Blessed Days' <3 mrs. ana mami nana <3
Posted by
Andy and Ana
6:33 AM
Friday, November 4, 2016
Walter Cronkite, remembers: Man on the moon (Apollo 11), video segment ...
Remembering Walter Cronkite on his 100th Birthday...Known as 'The Most Trusted Man in America', he was our Link to the World thru News Media back during the 50' & 60's...Listen to him share History of Man Landing on the Moon with us. Google: You-tube and see more Amazing News-casting with Walter Cronkite 'Words that would live in History'...thank you God for such a Trusted individual~pray this legacy may continue as such.In Christ~Thy will be done...One small step for man~One Giant Leap for Mankind <3 mrs. ana mami~nana 11-5-2016
Posted by
Andy and Ana
9:18 AM
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
VAN LIFE: I CAN'T BREATHE! | Steps to Wander �� Banff National Park
Young married Couple goes on Honeymoon Van! Awesome, I'm really enjoying this with them...if I was younger :) I'd go for it. Maybe, my grandsons would enjoy doing something like this or their children...there's always hope. Take my ashes with you, but don't leave me out there, haha! Enjoy the Trip~See the U.S.A. and God's wonders in Creation. <3 nana ana <3
Posted by
Andy and Ana
8:50 AM