Today's Sunday lesson: Matthew 9:1-8
(1) Jesus stepped into a boat, crossed over and came to his own town.
2) Some men brought to him a paralytic, lying on a mat. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven".
3) At this, some of the teachers of the law said to themselves, "This fellow is blaspheming".
4) Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, "Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts?"
5) Which is easier to say, 'Your sins are forgiven' or to say,'Get up and walk?'
6) But, so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.." Then he said to the paralytic, "Get up, take your mat and go home."
7) And the man got up and went home.
8) When the crowd saw this, they were filled with awe; and they praised God, who had given such authority to men.
Simple lesson shared with children & "innocent minds answered": Who is the Son of Man? "Jesus"; Who was forgiven? "The paralytic man"; Who knew their thoughts? "Jesus"; Who gave permission or authority? "God"; Who was the man given authority? a) paralytic b) teachers c) Jesus d) anyone or thing?...answer (c) " Jesus"... Out of the mouths of children, listening only to God's Word.
I just called my grandson to quiz & confirm the right scriptural answers.
Now for a quote from a 'mall version', sound strange? Well, listen up to an even stranger suggestion. Printed in Reader's Digest Catholic leaders have launched efforts aimed at persuading more parishioners to get in on the act. One example: (and I quote) "Three Capuchin friars now hear confessions at a Colorado mall. Protestant denominations are also joining this urge to purge. Last summer, the country's second-largest Lutheran branch passed a resolution encouraging private confession, after largely ignoring the rite for more than 100 years. I;; have to ask my best friend back east about that one.
Other sects suggest symbolically feeding sins into a paper shredder(!?).
Also popping up: websites where sinners can unburden themselves". I just have one word 'unbelievable'.
I believe, therefore I think Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God...Romans 10:17 (that says it all).
I leave you with this one precious thought...
There is one God and one Mediator between God and man, Christ Jesus.(1 Timothy 2:5)
From Our 'One' Front Porch to Yours...Andy & Ana.
Credit: God's precious & clear word/Readers Digest(Dec.2007)
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Christ for Today
Posted by
Andy and Ana
7:21 PM
Word Power
C. F. Payne artist-illustrator and designer of Reader's Digest back cover is known for his 'tradition-meets-technology' depictions, says "Word Power" is one of his favorites.
The artwork of C. F. Payne-perhaps America's best known contemporary illustrator-appears on the back cover of every issue of Reader's Digest.
It celebrates a slice of modern American life with provocative, relevant images of our culture.
Payne says of his favorite illustration, "Word Power", at the heart of this picture is his belief that "no gadget can compete with a good story". A 16x20 reproduction may be seen and purchased at the link below (see credit).
Thank you, C.F. Payne, for four years as designing artist for Reade's Digest back cover and for delighting readers with surprising snapshots of modern American life. "And to all, a Good Night" (Santa on a sleigh) was his last scene for Reader's Digest (see Dec.2007).
I look forward to our Readers Digest, chock full of interesting & informative reading I especially enjoy taking a quick peak at C.F.Paynes' depiction of Americana.
Reader's Digest will feature Payne's work from time to time. You may be able to view his gallery and purchase prints at at the link below (see credits).
From Our 'Readers' Front Porch to Yours...Andy & Ana.
Remember: Read Digest and enjoy...
Credits: Reader's Digest/C.F.Payne ( )
Posted by
Andy and Ana
6:31 PM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Gracias for your Graciousness
I'd like to take this Tea-Time opportunity, to thank our wonderful Brother and Sister in Christ, Scott and Angie for the encouraging 'Friendship Day' message.
'THANK YOU', we really enjoyed it.
Know you're blessed, because you're always so kind and courteous to everyone.
The love of Christ just flows right through both you and your precious children.
I always look forward with enthusiasm to meet with you again.
Every time, I see a beautiful Tea-Set, I think of you girl-friend. You're such a sweet-heart, anyone would be proud to have you for a daughter and sister in Christ.
Andy & I love and appreciate both you and your precious children very much.
Did you get my note? Ask C.Anne.
Noticed the kids got booklets. C.Anne's large pink-floral book is a daily calendar, she can fill in with colored pencils. And Jaz got a colorful word-picture book. Wes received an animal study book.
Why am I writing this here? Because, you mentioned enjoying our blog, so I knew you'd read this for sure. Ha, Ha, love ya, girl. Gotta go, hope you all, with your wonderful family, enjoy a great day.
God bless and accompany you. 'Dios bendiga y accompane'.
Enjoy: Your precious family on this beautiful God-given day.
From Our 'Blessed & Grateful' Front Porch to Yours...Andy & Ana.
Credit: Girlfriends and Hot cups of tea...
Posted by
Andy and Ana
7:00 AM
Tea Time Thoughts
Awakening in the middle of the night happens when one becomes too mature for the late, late, late shows.
I like to keep this open-mind time to draft-out my favorite posts; with a cup of chamomile tea and an once a cat next to me.
I begin reminiscing of the recent past and/or fall asleep, as I now feel like doing. But I won't put you to sleep.
I awoke at 4:45 am today, Saturday, and will probably write a lot. Being a morning person, I love to hear the sounds of the beginning of the day. It goes like this, trucks passing by on Main St., while it's still dark and the apartment shaking (just a bit) used to it by now.
It seems like it will be a warm day already, it's 40 degrees out, that's good for the Northwest. If it's really sunny by 8:00 am, it will be a beautiful day. There is always morning dew and the front room is cool and damp, too.
I heard the rain this morning, checking the glass-paned front door for water. Back, surprise, usually there's a lot of condensation and the floor gets wet, not last night, Thank God.
It's so still and quiet, no wonder Jesus chose early in the morning to pray to God.
Andy got me the movie, 'The Trip to Bountiful' and we watched it on Wednesday night. Before it began, I got tissues for both of us. Throughout the movie, the theme-hymn 'Ye who are weary, come home' is repeated, it's sung like this: "Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling, calling 'oh sinner', come home". It's so deep, and listening to the words of Christ's concern, makes one feel really humbled.
Well, that's when the tears start flooding and, it's break-out with the tissue time, it's so heart-rendering, and the thought of her reminiscing of lost times and opportunities, just melts your heart.
I think I'll bring it to the next 'Day-in-One-Accord'potluck (fellowship day) to share with everyone.
That's my tea-time thought to share because I care.
From Our 'humbled' Front Porch to Yours...Ana & Andy.
Credits: Hymn of worship & to Christ for caring...
Posted by
Andy and Ana
6:08 AM
Monday, April 21, 2008
Libros Liberate us
Last week was 'National Library Week' through out America.
Our son, Joe, is a 'Friend of the Library' and you'd think I'd get with the program, but we've been either sick or busy with home-school.
I really enjoy going to our local public library. It's a quaint building past a garden-walk through town.
Our librarian is a kind, sweet soul, she loves to have the library full of children. Our grandson, Joey, is shy about asking for books, so I stand beside him and slowly pull back. She giggled and said, 'That's okay, I'm shy, too.'
There are always fresh flowers, in season, on the table where theme books are displayed.
While browsing, I take my time (hunting for treasures) as our librarian patiently waits. We take out a variety of books, depending also on the next Sunday's lesson. Our librarian is very thoughtful and shares funny nature experiences. For example: 'Consider the ant' was a lesson, and I was researching graphic-art for a small booklet. She shared that once as a child, she stared at an ant-hill, she twisted her head, we both laughed so hard, thank God the place was nearly empty.
Another good thing about our library are the free magazines, every time we go, I grab a handful, they are great for scrap-booking. I love clipping the colorful graphics.
Sometimes I may borrow audio tapes, enjoyable while doing chores around the house. A favorite was 'The Prize Winner from Ohio', about a mom writing & submitting jingles to contests in the 1950's. It was very poignant, funny and sad, all-at-once,and it's now a movie.
Occasionally, I come across my son at a friends-meeting, or my daughter-in-love with the grand-boys homeschooling at the library. I respect their privacy, as much as our wonderful librarian respects mine, while I'm hunting for treasures.
Remember: Enjoy searching & finding treasures at your public library...
From Our 'Reading' Front Porch to Yours...Ana & Andy.
Credits: Ferndale Librarian & her treasured books/ Poster (
Posted by
Andy and Ana
1:56 PM
Day in One Accord
Like the Christians in the book of Acts-The church of Christ, Enjoy a'Day In One Accord'. One Sunday a month, we meet with the Garberville church for worship and potluck fellowship. The idea is from South County, R. I., adopted from the bible book 'Acts of the Apostles'.
This Sunday, we began early with Bible class and worship (in Spirit & in Truth). The singing sounded so full with all of us praising God together. The sermon was inspired by God's Holy Word; the children were so well behaved.
Afterwards, we prepared the potluck meal. We bake Italian bread topped with spinach & cheese. This week, we had an extra treat, an angel-food cake, which we served to Poppa & Papi as they sat with coffee to converse.
The children played with the dogs in the sunny backyard, while we ladies enjoyed chit-chat while heating the brunch in the kitchen. The young husbands helped set up the chairs and set out warm food. With children lined up, Poppa Widner leads us all in a thankful prayer.
As everyone sat to enjoy the meal, it reminded me of a story a sister-in-Christ once told me,'The difference between Heaven and Hell'. The difference between Heaven and Hell is: in Hell, everyone is at a banquet with long spoons each trying to serve only themselves as they gripe and curse furiously. In Heaven, everyone has long spoons and they are lovingly serving each other, enjoying and rejoicing at the Lord's Banquet.
Dishes spread Aunt Angie served my favorite-white rice. I love the time we have to reunite and reminisce with one other. We talk and share about our hopes and cares. For musical background, I brought a country CD to share with everyone. I gave one of the girls a large pink-floral calendar book. This book is full of historic events, and she likes to color in the pictures, I'm hope she'll enjoy it a lot. I gave the second girl a colorful picture word-book about bridges and towns, she smiled sweetly and shyly said, 'Thank You'. The little boy got an animal book, his eyes were wide open as he looked at the big pictures. Their momma got a note card. I love seeing people's faces light up, when they get a surprise.
We all enjoyed ourselves very much and we always look forward with excitement to our next 'Day In One Accord'.
From Our 'Spoonful' Front Porch to Yours...Ana & Andy.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
3:26 AM
Christ for Today
Sermon for Sunday...
Christ Jesus 'High Priest' of a better Covenant...
The ministry Christ has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, and it is founded on better promises. Hebrews 8:6. ...
after that time declares the Lord, I will put my laws in their minds and write them in their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. Hebrews 8:10.
By calling the covenant "new", he has made the first one obsolete...Hebrews 8:13.
From Our 'Faithful' Front Porch to Yours Ana & Andy
Posted by
Andy and Ana
2:49 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Pennies from Heaven
Our grandson David William, named after both his grandfathers, has a very thoughtful and appreciative heart.
He is a good listener, sensitive and very considerate of others feelings. Davey (as we all affectionately call him) has always kept a keen eye out for opportunities to show his love and appreciation. Sometimes when we are coming home, he hands us notes that say somethings like: Had a great time, glad you were here; or I luv you Papi & Nana, included is a short story about his favorite animal or friend, and he writes them so well.
Last Friday, Andy gave our son Joe a ride from work, and Davey listening to the conversation kept going back and forth to his room. I thought he must be looking for something, then we sat to dinner. Afterward, I was tired and started acting silly, meanwhile Davey had slipped away. Next thing you know he is standing before Papi, and politely says:"I have something to tell you Papi", everyone hushes. He humbly hands Papi a penny and sweetly said: "Thank you for bringing my daddy home". Well we all sat there quiet are hearts filled with (let me take a breath) humbleness at the thought of this child's grateful and thankful gesture. At that moment, we were all so tired, we wanted to cry from sheer awesomeness.
It's those precious moments that stay with us, and show us how much a simple service is worth to A young son. A copper coin from small thankful hands, with a President-who with God's blessing and power-gave many freedom to serve with grateful hearts...
From Our 'Humbled' Front Porch to yours...Andy & Ana
Posted by
Andy and Ana
4:36 PM
Wednesday Wishes
I take quiet time to pray as I'm washing dishes. While thinking of answered prayers, I thought (I sure could use a nice surprise).
Suddenly, a bunch of little 'Goldfinch' baby birds flew on top of the greenhouse below our kitchen window. Their colors were so bright and cheerful, surprised, I said, "Oh,Wow!". I thought to wake Andy up and tell him, for he loves birds, but it was too early. They flitted about, wildly chirping away in the bright sunshine. I can still picture & hear them in my mind.
This picture is from Sonoma County (just south of us). There you may see many beautiful birds that frequent our region throughout the year. (Note: excerpts from the blog)...the 'Lesser' is the smaller of the American Goldfinches, only 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 inches from beak to tail. The American Goldfinch averages about 5". The female of the two species may be difficult to distinguish, but you can easily learn to tell the males apart by noting the field-marks of beak; back; and caps. Comparative illustrations between the American Goldfinch and Lesser Goldfinch may be seen on the blog (see credit).
I am so glad I found this site, now we can enjoy and learn more about our precious local birds. Now, when I do the dishes, I'll think of that sweet serendipitous surprise from heaven.
Remember: Not one bird falls down without our Heavenly Father knowing, what a comforting and pleasant thought. (right now- I'm listening to some evening birds singing)...their song is so peaceful.
From Our' melodious' Front Porch to yours...Andy & Ana.
Credit: American Bird
Posted by
Andy and Ana
3:28 PM
Monday, April 14, 2008
Valiant King
Once upon a time in beautiful far away Kingdom called Ferndale, there lived a King named Andrew, with his second in command Prince Joseph. The Governor was David William and his assistant, Joseph Andrew, an excitable fellow. Joseph Andrew was only 9 years old, yet he was a very strong young man, as he took very good care of his health.
These valiant souls lived joyfully in their Ferndale KIngdom. The Kingdom days were cloudy and cool, for their Lord planned it that way, as many beautiful trees grew there. The cheerful kingdom souls would celebrate with great feast on sunny days in thankfulness to their Lord's generosity.
There were, however, the other inhabitants of the terra-firm Kingdom, who had only bad intentions, constantly, to their Lord's disappointment. They were, therefore, given the unfortunate name of the Ugly-Smugglies. These ominous creatures looked and sounded like meddlesome crickets. With their scraggly wings, they flew all over the country-side spying on the innocent, as they had no lives of their own.
Meanwhile, the brave assistant, Joseph Andrew, was growing taller and smarter every day, thereby being able to advise Governor David William more wisely. These two fine young servants, along with King Andrew and Prince Joseph, continued to grow yearly in their Lord's favor.
One dark, cold, rainy day however, the Ugly-Smugglies decided, without much thought or consideration, to wage war against the Ferndalians. Prince Joseph was noticeably upset, and he called upon King Andrew for advice and support. Wise King Andrew counseled in private with the Prince, speaking to him in gentle and hushed tones. At once, a decisive idea formed in his thoughtful mind, "I know" he said softly, "We'll ask our Governor, David William". "Yes!, said Prince Joseph, I agree;(as always Governor Davis would discuss matters with his ass't Joseph Andrew), together they will help us solve this problem".
Both governor and assistant came to the rescue of the Ferndalians from the unsolicited attack of the Ugly-Smugglies.
Together, the leaders of the Kingdom prayed to their Lord for wisdom and prepared to defeat, forever, the unfortunate Ugly-Smugglies; it was a sad day for the latter, yet a glorious, victorious one for all the citizens of the Ferndale Kingdom.
By trusting and obeying their eternal and wise Lord; they, themselves, received many eternal blessings in return. The young servants were honored at a feast on King Andrew's birthday and the Ugly-Smugglies left the Kingdom in shame and self-loathing, as they accomplished nothing more than to unite the Ferndalians in their Lord's power once more.
From Our 'Kingdom' Front Porch to Yours...Ana & Andy
Credit: Prince Valiant (Sunday cartoons New York-circa 1960's)
Posted by
Andy and Ana
9:19 PM
Abba Father
For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food,
For love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
7:48 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
The Cat that walked by himself...
Next day the Cat waited to see if
any other Wild thing would go to up to the cave,
but no one moved in the Wet Wild Woods.
So the Cat walked there by himself,
and he saw the Woman milking the Cow,
and he saw the light of the fire in the cave,
and he smelt the smell of the warm milk
Rudyard Kipling.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
8:40 PM
The Certainty of God's Promise...
I promised to post brief notes on sermons, today Sunday our son taught from Hebrews.
I hope to encourage you by sharing some scriptures.
Hebrews 7 & 8. When God made his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for him to swear by, he swore by himself, saying, "I will surely bless you and give you many descendants". And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.
Men swear by someone greater than themselves, and the oath confirms what is said and puts an end to all argument.
Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath.
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf.
He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.
Today's sermon was on Melchizedek, the Priest-king of Salem. He met with Abraham after he returned from the defeat of the Kings and blessed him. Abraham gave him a tenth of the plunder. Melchizedek means: "King of righteousness", "King of Salem" means "King of peace". Without parents, or genealogy, without beginning or end, like the Son of God, he remains a priest forever.
It was noted that Aaron is not mentioned in Christ's genealogy(hum). Melchizedek was great in that even Abraham, the Patriarch, gave him a tenth. Levi paid the tenth through Abraham, being yet in the body of his ancestor, blessed by the priest of the God most High. Jesus from Judah.
Hebrews 8:14 Christ Priesthood based on his indestructible life.
Psalm 110:4 You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.
And a better hope is introduced by which we draw near to God. Christ, our guarantee of a better Covenant because he lives forever, has a permanent priesthood able to save completely and intercede for us.
Such a High Priest meets all our needs.
One who is Holy and blameless, pure; set apart from sin; exalted above the Heavens.
Unlike other priests, he sacrificed for sin once and for all.
Appointed the Son, who has been made perfect forever.
We hope the above has been to your consideration and treasure in relation to God's certain promise and our hope in Christ.
Sincerely from Our 'Promises fulfilled' Front Porch' to yours...Ana & Andy.
Credit: The Bible-God's word...
Posted by
Andy and Ana
6:53 PM
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Love is All Around
Love is all around,
when we go into town;
although errands must be run,
enjoy the sun and have some fun.
Walking fast gives us a head-start,
it's also good for our hearts.
Everyone's outside on a beautiful day,
even the birds sing and play.
With a tune in our head,
as along we are led,
to a wonderful fabulous day up ahead.
The air is so fresh smelling, so clear,
wish this great weather would always stay here.
On to a new adventure we all must go,
Leaving behind our worries and woes.
Enjoy the day and thank God as you stop and pray,
for all the blessings coming your way...
From Our 'Sunny' Front Porch to yours...Andy & Ana.
Credit: God for a beautiful day.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
4:46 AM
To: Lolly-Pop
Sorry to hear about your illness.
Hope your feeling much better soon.
Thanks for keeping in touch.
Been busy with personal stuff.
Glad to know your son is there to care for you.
I am very proud of them both.
Know we truly care.
Please rest and
don't rush to do things.
Chores will always be there, just get your strength back.
Remember your therapy, it's very important to stay healthy.
Everything can wait for God's good time, know this for sure-
All things work for good for those who love the Lord,
and are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28...
From: Our 'Prayerful' Front Porch to yours...
Sincerely, Sister Ana
Posted by
Andy and Ana
3:52 AM
If you make it plain you like people,
it's hard for them to resist liking you back.
Thank God for friendships-In Christ.
I was greatly encouraged by a beautiful fun-filled message sent for 'Friendship week'. My husband read them first, and to be honest with you, I was sincerely surprised.
I really enjoyed the consideration and heartfelt thoughtfulness sent with each one.
For loved ones & everyone who enjoy our blog, I'd like to send a complimentary 'Thank you' for caring and sharing your good thoughts, you know who you are.
God bless and keep you. Dios bendiga y accompane.
Remember: Keep caring & sharing...
Credit: Friendship week/Jigsaw puzzles...
Posted by
Andy and Ana
3:32 AM
Mindful of thee
When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which You have ordained,
What is man that You are mindful of him,
and the son of man that You visit him?
For You have made him a little lower than the angels,
and You have crowned him with glory and honor.
You have made him to have dominion over the works of your hands,
You have put all things under His feet.
All sheep and oxen-even the beast of the field,
the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea
that pass through the paths of the seas.
O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth! Psalm 8:3-9.
Credit: Creator of Heaven & Earth....
Posted by
Andy and Ana
2:45 AM
Monday, April 7, 2008
April in New York brings refreshing Spring memories.
The excitement of going into the city to shop for new clothes.
It holds special days of visiting and remembering how we enjoyed each other's company. The thought of cheerfully greeting our oldest sister on her birthday.
She always had a lovely smile and was surprised at our attempt at a simple, yet sincere, gift.
We appreciate how much she took care of us while we were little.
ur precious folks taught & showed us how to be respectful, loving
and caring towards each other.
This Spring day, I'd like to say: 'Thinking of You'
and hoping you're having a wonderful time
and enjoying your loved ones.
Ta Ta...I haven't forgotten your love
and care throughout the years.
I pray our all-knowing God will bless and protect our relationship.
Today and always...Your sister, Ana.
Credit: Precious Moments
Posted by
Andy and Ana
12:59 PM
It was April morning...
"The best portion of a good man's life;
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.":
William Wordsworth (1770-1850) Born today in 1770
Born in the beautiful lake region of England,
William Wordsworth grew up in the midst of placid, yet awe-inspiring natural surroundings.
A great poet in himself, this background made him one of England's foremost poets of nature. Wordsworth went to college at Cambridge and was in France during the French Revolution, but most of his life was spent quietly in his native lake country, where his best poems were written.
He became Poet Laureate of England in 1834 and died in 1850.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
12:19 PM
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Choose wisely
"But one thing is needful
and Mary hath chosen that good part,
which shall not be taken away from her".
Credit:Christ in the Book of Luke 10:42.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
10:54 PM
Begin with a muse...
I keep six honest serving-girls,
they taught me all I knew,
Their names are: What and Why
and When and How and Where and Who.
The other two are me and you...Becky Boo.
From: Our 'Reading' Front Porch...Ana & Andy
Credit: Rudyard Kipling-The Elephant Child (1902)
Posted by
Andy and Ana
10:23 PM
"The secret of a good memory is attention,
and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it.
We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds."
Credit: Tryon Edwards (1809-1894).
Posted by
Andy and Ana
9:30 PM
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Because of Isaac
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all."
Isaac, the family part Black Labrador and Border Collie,
he is a dear and wonderful pet,
full of excitement for everyone.
Whenever we visit, he is at the ready
to play tug of war with his red rubber toy.
He greets us jumping up, almost knocking Papi down, but he means no harm.
The goal is to herd us all in to be kept safe from harm.
Every time a person walks by the house, Isaac barks loudly, it's like an alarm.
Andy doesn't mind, he rather appreciates the concern and alertness.
This picture is the same type of dog like Isaac.
We all really love this precious pet very much.
I've never had a dog, but I care for him a lot
and constantly remind the boys to place water outside for him.
Joey loves Isaac and keeps his bowl full twice a day and Davey loves & hugs him while cleaning his paws in the mud-room.
Isaac says 'Ouh' for out and he says 'mohmmy houme' (I'm spelling it how it sounds). Joe and Rebekah take him for walks during good weather, but he acts up trying to greet & growls at the neighbors. Isaac has one brother, a black & white Border-Collie, and he really enjoys it when they are together.
Everyone who has had dogs knows their devotion; their bright coats are beautiful.
Even the smallest ones are great; their humble eyes makes them seem wise.
They are always appreciated because they're so wonderful.
Credit: Thank God, who makes them all.
From Our 'pet-friendly' Front Porch...Andy & Ana.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
6:57 PM
Friday, April 4, 2008
Can you hear me now?
Love the commercial for Verizon cellphones, where the young man paces around asking "Can you hear me now?". For a promo, his need to continuously check is not very encouraging, don't you agree?. I think someone called them on it, the new ad shows a host of backup workers, that's more like it. Where the scripture reads 'To Benefit the Hearer' puts in mind that supportive scene. We all need and could use a team of 'Angels' like that in our daily endeavors. My nephew works for Verizon. In a recent family reunion, he said "What?" and jokingly his mother asked "Can you hear me now?", we all affectionately laughed. He is very gregarious and enjoys encouraging everyone. I hope God will bless his enthusiasm. This verse also reminds me of Davey. He speaks up very well and at just the right moment, too. Narrating Bible quotes with hand gestures, and his eyes open wide he says, 'You get it!'(as Joey looks and listens, smiling). Remembering many precious people-who've crossed our path with words of hope, to our benefit(at just the right time). We thank God for them. Grandmothers who although we were different, made us feel special and one of a kind. Grandfathers who saw themselves in all our antics and accepted us with a kind and gentle spirit. Mothers who believed in us, when we really needed her to, with the patience that developed our character. Fathers who always said 'I trust your better judgment' with a 'Dios te bendiga y accompane'-(God bless and accompany you). Aunts & uncles who guided us away from trouble and towards better people and places- for a safer life. Our siblings, despite going through similar growing pains, were there to cheer us on your way. And last but far from least, our children standing ready, willing and able to be there for us, because they care and remembered when we cared & shared with them. Many others have been, and continue to be, supportive; we should remember their gentle persuasion and good advice. Now, it's our turn to ask: 'Can you hear me now?' and, hopefully, they will listen- to their benefit. From Our 'blessed' Front Porch ...Andy & Ana.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
11:04 PM
Joseph-Young man in progress
When you see a little fellow
With a little fellow's smile, With a little fellow's actions
And a little fellow's style
Doff your hat and pay him tribute; Stop to praise him while you can, For this jaunty, carefree youngster All to soon will be a man.
Soon, he'll gain a man's full stature, Take his place and do his part, Helping solve a host of problems With a strong, courageous heart.
He may toil in shop or office, Run a bank or make our laws; Someday, he may lead his fellows As a preacher of God's Cause.
So, don't fail to stop and greet him, For this lad so fancy-free May become the hope of millions In a world that's yet to be.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it...
Remember: Children open your ears to advice and your eyes for good examples...
From Our 'teaching' Front Porch...Andy & Ana.
Credit: Swedish Artist Carl Larson Gallery
Posted by
Andy and Ana
9:49 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
A kindness appreciated
My husband shared that we had received a very pleasant comment from a Christian gentleman in Texas. It seems he found us through our profile interest: 'church of Christ'. We looked up his aka 'Preacherman', and we found his blog, also. It's good to know he's a brother-in-Christ and is looking at the church of Christ that meets here in Ferndale, Ca. His father is an elder and, like our son, he's married with children, too. We'd like to say 'Thank you' for considering our life in Christ of interest as your church family. Our son and daughter-in-law graduated from Harding University. My son is an Evangelist, Minister, Preacher here in Ferndale, Ca.; our daughter-in-law teaches homeschool for our two grandsons. We really do appreciate your prayers and are, likewise, praying for the church throughout the USA and the world, for strength and wisdom to serve and worship in spirit and truth. (Also, we just received an e-mail note from India, from a sister-in-Christ I met at a ladies' retreat. She is married to a young American Evangelist and they are also asking for prayers.) I hope your wife writes a post, it would be interesting to know more about her and your children, too. Again, all comments are very much appreciated and welcomed at Our 'fellowship' Front Porch...Andy & Ana.
Posted by
Andy and Ana
5:50 PM