Saturday, April 26, 2008

Tea Time Thoughts

Awakening in the middle of the night happens when one becomes too mature for the late, late, late shows.
I like to keep this open-mind time to draft-out my favorite posts; with a cup of chamomile tea and an once a cat next to me.
I begin reminiscing of the recent past and/or fall asleep, as I now feel like doing. But I won't put you to sleep.
I awoke at 4:45 am today, Saturday, and will probably write a lot. Being a morning person, I love to hear the sounds of the beginning of the day. It goes like this, trucks passing by on Main St., while it's still dark and the apartment shaking (just a bit) used to it by now.
It seems like it will be a warm day already, it's 40 degrees out, that's good for the Northwest. If it's really sunny by 8:00 am, it will be a beautiful day. There is always morning dew and the front room is cool and damp, too.
I heard the rain this morning, checking the glass-paned front door for water. Back, surprise, usually there's a lot of condensation and the floor gets wet, not last night, Thank God.
It's so still and quiet, no wonder Jesus chose early in the morning to pray to God.

Andy got me the movie, 'The Trip to Bountiful' and we watched it on Wednesday night. Before it began, I got tissues for both of us. Throughout the movie, the theme-hymn 'Ye who are weary, come home' is repeated, it's sung like this: "Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling, calling 'oh sinner', come home". It's so deep, and listening to the words of Christ's concern, makes one feel really humbled.
Well, that's when the tears start flooding and, it's break-out with the tissue time, it's so heart-rendering, and the thought of her reminiscing of lost times and opportunities, just melts your heart.
I think I'll bring it to the next 'Day-in-One-Accord'potluck (fellowship day) to share with everyone.
That's my tea-time thought to share because I care.

From Our 'humbled' Front Porch to Yours...Ana & Andy.

Credits: Hymn of worship & to Christ for caring...

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