Wednesday, February 4, 2009


                                       Good Morning Everyone.
I've been experiencing a bit of cabin fever lately. Hoping for spring like weather. I decided to join
Facebook and I'm enjoying keeping in touch with friends & family. I found an old Ames friend and she has 4 grandchildren!
I need to get up and get creative and accomplish something in my life. Maybe, I'll deco-clean a way to clean & redecorate at the same time and reward myself with a favorite pastime Garden Walking  I feel like Alice, who cried so much her tears floated her away from everyone & everything. The Holidays was sweet & quiet, but the New Year brings memories of my mom (passed Jan/2001). I need to get out of here while the sun is still shining.
Even her hair looks like mine-white! Aye, yikes I need to go to the beauty parlor and get a make-over :)
Our apartment is so small, when we pass one another it's like 'shall we dance':) I love the coziness, but sometimes I need to sit outside and meditate. Soon the sun will set directly over 'Our Front Porch' that is  one of my favorite times of the year. Goodbye Alice in Wonderland I'm heading out to explore my environs :)

Remember: Enjoy the Sun while it's still Shining :) Go for that Garden Walk and leave the deco-cleaning for a rainey day.... now where's that baby pig ???

Credit: Disney photos & our 'cozy-home':)

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