Saturday, August 23, 2008

I'll be somewhere waiting...

One Sunday morning while worshiping our Lord God in Spirit and in Truth, Andy chose a song of praise,'I'll be somewhere waiting', that I fondly remembered singing in Groton,Ct. years ago. It really touched my heart because it's so deep and meaningful. To think that we'll all be somewhere on this beautiful spinning earth, when Christ returns is awesome.

I had a dream with lady, and she mentioned this painting. She seemed to be in my family, sister, maybe. I reminded her of the door knob being on the inside of our hearts and she agreed, that we need an open obedient and trusting heart; mind; body; soul & spirit...

The above caring & sharing may be a similar trusting conversation we may have with Christ in prayers. Just like the painting depicts have an open heart...Remembering Christ promises 'I will be with you always even till the end of time'...

And when he does return as awesome as it may seem, we can joyfully say in our hearts & minds & soul...I'll be somewhere waiting & listening for my name....

Enjoy & Remember: Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the Heart...1 Samuel 16:7

Credit: Christ patience & love for us all...

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