Monday, December 29, 2008


Merry Christmas Everyone!!! Charlie Brown, Lucy and Linus send Greetings from their Christmas CD...
Charlie Brown comes through once again with a great Christmas gift for the Chappel Boys. Yes, even big Joe is still a boy in Charlie Brown's eyes. Linus had a sad face perhaps tired, because he was up half the night awaiting Santa Claus...only to almost catch Lucy putting the gifts on the coffee table. Finally the feast began albeit a little late...all the Santas were tired, when suddenly Charlie Brown enters and the whole place lights up with a swinging jazz beat!!! Lucy heats up a sumptuos dinner and Linus follows everyone around listening and gathering wisdom. Charlie Brown & Lucy enjoyed the meal by complimenting their host with 'DELICIOUS!'. After dinner Linus & Charlie Brown play a sporting game of darts-Lucy had given Linus for Christmas. We all love our gragacious Lucy, she is a real cheer leader. Linus' brother received a Capscela set from Charlie Brown, but I think Linus like Charlie Brown will always be in charge of the Christmas music cd in his house...And as for Big Joe & Sweetheart Becky Santa sends a big hug & Kiss...Goodnight.

REMEMBER & ENJOY: All the Charlie Brown's, Linus's & Lucy's in your wonderful family...

CREDIT: Charlie Brown & Charles Schultz

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