Monday, January 19, 2009


Jesus amd the Samaritan woman at the well. 
He was exhausted from his journey and sat down by  the well. His disciples had left to buy food.
I've been studying the Gospel of John this past week. I keep thinking of  Jesus with his disciples, when he was cooking fish (after his resurrection) and he said, 'Come have Breakfast with me'.
I thought 'that's a good idea'-spending time with the Lord 1st thing in the morning. 
No I don't eat fish for breakfast, but I do take a cod-liver oil gel pill close enough. I'm not trying to be funny, though my son just gave his wife a gift-book titled: Foods Jesus ate...
Back to the 'Scripture Picture' I fold a page in four and titled each list the following:
GOD            CHRIST JESUS            HOLY SPIRIT            PRE-PRAYER
as I'm reading,when I come across a scripture referring to each title,
I write the verses under each one.
Example: Son of the Living God...Messiah....Living Water....Share the Good News.
The Pre-Prayer list is the one I need to pray about and accomplish throughout the day. It takes discipline. Especially the part 'Come and have Breakfast with me'. 
I am writing and sharing this very special time of the day as a reminder to myself.
I hope to continue this new journey with Jesus, that I may be filled with the living water and never thirst again .
Remember: The times of your life...The Lord knows them all and is interested in your sharing them with him.
Credit: Christ Jesus our Living Water...

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