Monday, January 5, 2009


Sorry, I haven't posted lately, been sick with allergies.What we use to call 'Hay-fever', my mom suffered with it and now it's my turn. It started on Friday and kept me in all weekend. Sad to say,  I missed worship services my favorite day Sunday-'Domingo (dia de Dios) was spent resting up.

I need to drink more orange juice. I remember growing up having Tropicana Orange juice, it was great the best one around. They've since took it off the market (politically incorrect) to bad it had a large Hispanic following. Now it would come back as the 'Multi-cultural ' pure form the tropic orange juice !  Don't make  me laugh my ribs hurt.

My  husband & son laugh at my wacky ad ideas. Here's one : The  Flowbie,' okay, I came up with the idea of attaching a vacumn to comb & cutting my hair. You ladies remember just like the sixties hair-dryer.. To this day they laugh when I say 'remember the flowbie !!!'...
And who's father didn't invent the wagging dog on the rear seat window of the old Chevy, yeah, I know blame it on the Puerto Ricans. Okay, only I can say that and maybe my son, after which I'll call him some goofy Irish name (Angie & Scott,  I can picture you both smiling :)

Oh, my ribs hurt, if I don't stop now, I'm going to fall from  this chair laughing. Didn't want to create a sad post even when we're sick 'A cheerful heart is Good medicine'. Got to go drink some ( Tropic-ana) orange juice. 

REMEMBER:  Enjoy 'California grown Orange juice'! (Ha-hee)...Keeping it real . lol Tropic-ana.

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