Friday, January 30, 2009


Yesterday, I had a refreshing walk to the library. I really enjoy my library day. My librarian loan me a memoir of her favorite authors: Beverly Cleary. I'm laying on the calendar to remember my library book due dates via osmosis :) 
The book was not in the computer-so it was a 'Personal loan'. 
The memoir was titled: A Girl from Yamil , it's wonderful read, I really enjoyed it. It reminded me of the movie 'Places in the Heart' -Beverly reminded me of 'Possom' the little girl with the Buster Brown haircut (in the movie:) I love Southern Fiction, but of course this is a True story better yet.
The memoir is dated in the 1930's on a farm in  Oregon. 
The story  works it's way through growing up on the farm and school days. There are also  beautiful sepia photos of the Cleary family and friends. It a poignant tale you have to read it to understand the wonderful life & world of Beverly Cleary. Towards the end it put me in mind of the movie 'Peggy Sue got married' a 1950's Teen-movie. 
All be it, this book is a really good memoir of a young girls life of her dreams & hopes.
Beverly Cleary has written a second life-memoir about her 'College-days'...Our librarian said she once met
her along time ago. She was so excited telling me of their 'meeting'! Bonnie that's our librarian said 'Oh, Ms. Beverly I been reading your books since I was a little girl'!....and Beverly Cleary answered 'Oh, you just dated me, that makes me feel so old.
You can hear an audio interview with Beverly Cleary on NPR....
REMEMBER: Enjoy Southern Fiction & memoirs, too :)
Credit: Our Librarian Bonnie & Beverly Cleary (npr-audio)

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