Thursday, April 2, 2009


Good are you ?
Welcome Back  :)
Today, I decided to visit an old friend Our Front Porch...
I've been gone for a while and missing our show & tell.
Allergy season is upon us and I've been having asthma too. 
With housekeeping and trying to keep up with facebook dailey, I've neglected our old friensd. Therefore,. I decided to invite everyone from facebook  to 'Our Front Porch' hope they took me up on the offer and enjoy our visual vignettes. 
Today's story is about how Spring has arrived with all her charm and glory. However, she so fickle not staying in one place to long bringing the pollen and breeze, she's making me sneeze. Her handsome prince looks for the sunshine each morning, but she aludes him. He wanders thru the forest of green golden days, and she filters ahead peering through the maze. Her delight is in watching him persue, through the bright sky of azure blue. While melody of birds sing up ahead. They gently lay down on the snow laden bed. The chambermaid swiftly bring them a drink of luscious Spring continues to think.....oh, that pretty jar of apple -jam looks so delicious sent on a Holiday from her fairey friend, who's cooking magic is nutricious.
So Lady Spring continue your decision to bring joy to your loved ones for that is your mission. Only remember to rest and keep track of time. Relax, read & knit and your days will surely be sublime.....CREDIT: SPRING & POLYVORE/augustana

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