Monday, May 19, 2008

Delores and her ducks

Garden walking with Joey and Davey on a cool day. And just by luck, upon Delores' house & ducks we came.
All at once, we stopped and did stay, as we watched each cute duck splash and play. Delores called each one by their given name, all in a row the ducks looked, listened and obeyed, promptly responding as if in a game.
One duck was named Daisey, but here is the rest of the tale, no one knew it was a born a male. The boys and I laughed at the story told, while the handsome black father, lead all very bold.
The brown feather duckling was the one we loved best, as it waddled quickly along to join the rest.
Delores' ducks are still there today, take a walk down the garden and watch nature at play.

Ask the animals and they will teach you; the fish of the sea will inform you. Which of these doesn't know what the hand of the Lord has done?
"In God's hands are the life & breath of every creature and of all mankind."(Job 12:7-9).

From Our 'ducky' Front Porch to Yours, Ana & Andy.


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