Monday, May 19, 2008

The Lord's lovely Ladies

On the third Sunday of the month our son & daughter-in-love enjoys opening her home for a potluck fellowship. Their home is full of laughter and excitement, as together we share our hopes and dreams.
Her example comes from 'Ladies of the Lord' (as may be read in God's holy word).

Rebekah Hope is like...Abigail, bringing her natural foods from afar to please the God-sent guest.
Like Deborah, with strength, serving the Lord and speaking up without fear.
Like Esther, praying for God's people before the King's throne.
Like Hannah, dedicating her children to the Lord.
Like Lydia, opening her home to worship our Lord-God, in spirit and in truth.
Like Priscilla, explaining the way of the Lord more clearly to truth- seekers.
Like Joanna, using monetary resources and skills to supply & support Christ' ministry. Like Tabitha (Dorcas), skillfully creating knitted scarves for her family's needs. Like Sarah, obeying her husband and supporting his ministry in Christ' church and thereby may have entertained Angels unawares.
Like Mary (mother of Mark), making her home a haven for followers of Jesus. And we've been truly blessed in their haven where, like Mary (Martha's sister), we may hear, share & take comfort in Christ' promises.

Thank you, Rebekah Hope and Joseph (the Lord adds), for your wonderful hospitality. We enjoy and appreciate all your efforts.

From Our 'comforted' Front Porch to Yours...Ana & Andy.

credit: All Larson

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