Sometimes when we visit the kids, our grandson Davey lends me a small stuffed animal to take home. Last week, he loaned me Christmas Bear: 'Here Nana, to keep you good company'.
The ritual began early on, I suspected he wanted to keep them upstairs (when they lived in the main house). But I've come to understand that his sincerity goes beyond that, and to an imaginary way of being supportive.
The 'Care Bears' vary: sometimes it's Rudyard's 'Tiger' to I suspect ward off jungle shadows in the night; Smokey the Bear to ward off California fires; and Curious George always has questions to be answered.
Davey is so funny when he makes his bed, all his 'friends' get thrown on the floor. Then they are all lined up by 'birth-order and purpose'.
Joey and I laughed so hard. The way he treats his friends, yikes. Sometimes they are lost under his bed, he begs forgiveness and returns them to their 'proper place'. Joey is very disciplined, you can bounce a quarter off his bed. His stuffed animals are lined up like soldiers at the foot of his bed. And, like Joey, they are all very well behaved.
Christmas Bear kept me 'good company' this past week. We shared reading time and long needed naps. C.B. stared as I created Davey's birthday card, and when Davey came to visit, he kept it secret. I miss cuddling C.B. while watching TV. Davey started a family ritual; I gave my dad a 'Care Bear', and when Wello passed away, I brought it home to comfort me.
Remember to Enjoy: Stuffed animals and 'Share' because you care...
From: Our 'comforted' Front Porch...Ana & Andy.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Care Bears
Posted by
Andy and Ana
7:11 PM
God Answered Prayers
Before moving to California, I prayed for the apartment next to our son's house. He lived in the 'main-house' with the in-law unit above the double garage.
I knew God answered our prayer when our son called and said 'Mom, our neighbor is moving'. With their mediating and cleaning support, we moved into the in-law unit on Spring of 2001. They planted my favorite red geraniums, and we had beautiful garden- parties celebrating all our holidays together in the 'main-house'.
Our apt.has a washer & dryer; colonial-type cabinets; a bathroom off the one bedroom; and, of course 'our front porch'. I prayed God would put it in the owner's heart to restore the front porch. Within a month, the owner knocked and said, 'The porch and stairs will be torn down and replaced', thank God for answered prayers. We enjoy our restored front porch during sunset, the warmest time of day.
We miss the kids they outgrew the small house, and moved into a beautiful roomy house a few blocks away. Their new home has a 'home-school-den'(answered prayer),now used as our son's office.
I prayed for new neighbors with a girl(the owner's daughter moved in)and,Fiona was born the next spring. However, they're nomadic and in two and one-half years have only cut the grass twice; once because I asked, and a second time unfortunately for a 'questionable-party'. At our age and with our health issues, we are unable to garden and it's a sad and overwhelming site. I pray for a garden-wedding and they will have to restore the yard to it's former beauty(when Joe & Becky lived here).
We still enjoy our front porch very much. However, in the winter it's difficult to bring groceries up the stairs. Therefore, as I'm struggling with bags, I've pray to the Lord for senior housing. Don't get me wrong, I love our home situated across from the post-office and right off Main St. However, God is faithful yet, our son called recently, 'Mom, Good news, the Coast Guard is moving out of Ferndale and the units are being considered for Senior Housing'. We went to the library and found the newspaper article, photo-copied and stapled it as a prayer-filled goal. I called Senior Resources and a nice volunteer returned my call and informed me: We're trying to allocate the units for low-income/Senior Housing. I shared how this is an answered prayer and she said 'Well, keep praying', I am to the Great I Am....
Remember: God answers prayers: 'Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see' (Hebrews 11:1)
Hope: To enjoy our grandsons walking over to Senior Housing (much closer to their home)....
From: Our 'answered prayers' Front Porch...Ana & Andy.
Credit: All Our caring God...
Posted by
Andy and Ana
5:39 PM
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Current Events Day
I love reading the newspaper and sharing stories with our grandsons. In Junior High a teacher had us clip 'current events' from our local newspaper and make a presentation. I enjoyed the show & tell, especially the quotes.
In home school we had a 'Current Events Day', it was a hit. I cut a clipping about a senior-ladies reunion, Becky and the boys laughed at the poignant tales from the past. Davey did a presentation on the bike trail schedule at Sequoia Park. Joey's presentation was on a trial rescue-drill, he was so excited telling us about his Uncle Scott's job and all he does to help people.
I hope we have another 'Current Events Day'. I'm sure we will come up with lots of neat things to share. Next time, it might even be a collage, wouldn't that be great! Well, go check out, 'What's the news around the Nation? We have got the information'.
Whenever I'm feeling a writing bug, I also enjoy doing this relaxing exercise. During a stay at a convalescent home, a Quaker lady taught us children to clip magazine pictures, tape on a page, turn and write a story. Try it you'll love it and be pleasantly surprised at your own creativity.
A personal challenge I hope to do is similar to the above, with a scripture title and call it 'Scripture Picture'. Okay, I have to find magazines and my bible to visually learn God's word. Keep on reading, writing and sharing. Please send comments when you try my ideas.(lol)
Remember: Enjoy and share all 'Good news'.
Proverb 25:25 'As 'cold waters' to a thirsty soul, so is good news from afar'.
From: Our 'Daily Post' Front Porch to yours... Ana & Andy.
Credit: All newspaper
Posted by
Andy and Ana
8:26 PM
Let Your Light so Shine
Yesterday afternoon, having done 'important paperwork', I walked to the post office to mail bills. I was mentally drained from having done three posts the night before. Then, to my surprise, we received a beautiful card from New England. I chose this picture, it's similar to the lighthouse on the card received from our sister-in-Christ , Cindy. To be honest with you, I was pleasantly surprised, it was like a cup of fresh water. Cindy's husband, Scott Hassell, is a leader at the South County church of Christ. They were just in California a couple of weeks ago, their daughter, Abby, just graduated from Pepperdine University. Congratulations, Abby, I remember you at age 7, standing in the sunshine, looking like an angel. I knew you'd grow up to be a beautiful, well-grounded young lady. I'm sure God has your best interests invested in your future. It's great reading how well everyone is doing. I especially appreciated how God sent us a word of encouragement, just when we needed a friend. Never underestimate the Providence of God, Lord knows just what we need to lift us up.
Enjoy: Sending each other cheerful notes and God will deliver them with perfect timing to benefit the reader.
Remember: Stay in touch and pray for one another...God answers prayers.
Believe & Rejoice.
From: Our 'Uplifted' Front Porch to yours...Ana & Andy.
Credit: All
Posted by
Andy and Ana
7:30 PM
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
English Ivy
Today I was thinking about New England, our home for most of our life together.
Mostly about our friends and family and all the good fellowship we've shared.
I think I miss the earth there, I know it sounds strange. But everything seemed much greener year round.
I loved when we went on surprise car rides (who can afford to do that anymore?- smile). We enjoyed sight-seeing and going to greenhouses throughout Connecticut.
My favorite plant is the English Ivy. My sister-in-Christ, Betty, gave me a clipping years ago and it bloomed beautifully and lasted a long time. I've hunted for a new English Ivy, I found one in Eureka and let it pass, so sorry.
Other plants we had were Pathos, my mom got me one in Mystic, Ct.; a spider plant; and Andy had a beautiful full-grown fern. We brought only one or two with us to Ca.
I love hardy plants and this area requires such. Hope to go to the Feed-Shop in Fortuna to buy a couple of plants.
I need to remember my favorite: English Ivy, the beautiful green hardy leaf looks like a large oval with curly edges and it grows profusely in rich black soil.
Hope & Pray to find one, maybe for my birthday, Lord willing.
Enjoy: the scent of fresh cut grass.
Remember: You're never alone in God's garden of love.
From: Our 'horticultural' Front Porch...Ana & Andy.
Credit: Collier Magazine/1930
Posted by
Andy and Ana
4:59 AM
Good Surprise
I had a nice surprise today, my sister-in-Christ, Starla, called me. I was done with morning chores and needed some downtime.
Ring-"Hello?" Two hours of fun-filled chatting. What about? Well, all sorts of neat stuff. First of all, Starla is my son's mother-in-love, she's the sweetest most encouraging lady on earth; I always enjoy her company.
When we get together, we talk about the grandkids, of course. She keeps me posted on our Garberville family.
Shopping in the town's funky store with Courtney.
Jasmine's baptism-week challenges.
And little Wesley's cute sayings (about bible) "I just know the basics". We should all be so wise.
Our concerns are the same and we exchange ideas on how to deal with them.
My favorite part of our conversation is when we share stories about the 70's, when our kids were babies. We laugh so much, I have a smile all day long, just thinking about her wise-cracks.
I'm so glad God blessed me with such a great lady.
Do you have a wonderful person/sister to call today and encourage her? Try it. It will be well-worth sharing all the good news.
Words of encouragement: Christ said, "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world". (John 16:33)
Also, "No greater joy can I have than this, to hear that my children walk in the truth" (3 John 4).
Remember: Scripture-Pray today & Enjoy your window shopping.
From: Our 'Basic' Front Porch to yours...Ana & Andy.
Credit: Illustrator-Sarah Kay
Posted by
Andy and Ana
4:23 AM
I am enjoying needlework-sites.
My favorite is 'Redwork-stitch',
they're pretty and seem easy to recreate.
Also 'Bluework stitch' done in royal blue is beautiful, and of course everyone loves the the awesome Celtic 'Blackwork stitch'.
Here are some cute children needlework done in 'Redwork stitch'.
They can be framed for a wall hanging, and may be recreated in the above-mentioned needle-stitches.
There are many designs to choose from: Country, Kitchen, Folksy, Animals,etc.
To create your own design, simply pencil sketch and 'backstitch', you're done, enjoy.
I remember my mom showing me how to embroider birds from her pencil sketches.
I still have the aged, yet pretty, linens.
Enjoy: Create your own design and pass them on as heirloom to your children-children.
Remember: the Lady in Proverbs 31: "She works willingly with her hands."
From: Our 'designing' Front Porch...Ana & Andy
Posted by
Andy and Ana
3:44 AM
Monday, June 9, 2008
Sweet-Scented Dreams
The scent of a newborn babe, who can resist it? Just the thought of it takes you back to the first precious whiffs. Whenever I smell "Johnson & Johnson" baby powder, it takes me back in time to the sweet old days of young motherhood. Now, go give your youngster a huge hug and smell that baby perfume, close your eyes and remember.
From: Our 'sweet-scented' Front Porch
Ana & Andy
Credit: Anne Geddes (infant-photographer).
Posted by
Andy and Ana
12:01 AM
Sunday, June 8, 2008
A Good Boy-Chappel Apple
I woke before the morning, I was happy all the day.
I never said an ugly word, but smiled and stuck to play.
And now at last the sun is going down behind the wood,
And I am very happy, for I know that I've been good.
My bed is waiting cool and fresh, and linen smooth and fair,
And I must off to sleeps, and not forget my prayer.
I know that, till to-morrow I shall see the sun arise,
No ugly dream shall fright my mind, no ugly sight my eyes.
But slumber hold me tightly till I waken in the dawn,
And hear the thrushes singing in the lilacs round the lawn...
(Fiona says: "Where's your boys?")
From: Our 'Poetic' Front Porch...Ana & Andy
Credit: "A Child's Garden of Verses"
by: Robert L. Stevenson
Posted by
Andy and Ana
10:32 PM
Hey, Lady!
I was wondering what to post about? While visiting Anastasia Dreams, I found it. Illustration Friday's theme for this week is babies. I love babies, who doesn't, right? Well, I thought of many ways to present my babies to you.
I'll start with an answered prayer, I asked God for a little girl neighbor. When our neighbors moved in, Andy said, "she's pregnant", I smiled. Well, sure enough, Fiona was born next spring.
Thus begins the tales of 'Hey,lady'(see prior post) where she converses beautifully with me. Today, her dad was in and out of his garage moving a dresser. Fiona's family is getting a new baby. But I think her parents are moving. We thought with gas prices so high and her dad working out of town, maybe their moving to her grandma's neighborhood. She watched as she sat in her tiny tent as her dad packed the truck. I got ready to go down, but they drove away first.
This picture shows a little girl in transition with calla-lilies and her puppy, too. The cute box is an added touch,hum, wonder -is it full of pretties- shiny plastic bracelets, dollies and dandy-lions?
I'm sure they will be back soon, and we'll all know the rest of the story...
Enjoy: Calla-lilies and 'Thank Heaven for little girls'.
[Fiona: meaning-White & Fair/Celtic-Gaelic.]
From: Our 'neighborhood' Front Porch...Ana & Andy
Posted by
Andy and Ana
9:16 PM