Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I am enjoying needlework-sites.
My favorite is 'Redwork-stitch',
they're pretty and seem easy to recreate.
Also 'Bluework stitch' done in royal blue is beautiful, and of course everyone loves the the awesome Celtic 'Blackwork stitch'.
Here are some cute children needlework done in 'Redwork stitch'.
They can be framed for a wall hanging, and may be recreated in the above-mentioned needle-stitches.
There are many designs to choose from: Country, Kitchen, Folksy, Animals,etc.
To create your own design, simply pencil sketch and 'backstitch', you're done, enjoy.
I remember my mom showing me how to embroider birds from her pencil sketches.
I still have the aged, yet pretty, linens.

Enjoy: Create your own design and pass them on as heirloom to your children-children.

Remember: the Lady in Proverbs 31: "She works willingly with her hands."

From: Our 'designing' Front Porch...Ana & Andy


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